Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Time for some big news, everyone. The blog/podcasts/etc will be going on hiatus for an indefinite period. (I'll still try to work in podcast guest appearances, but no promises.) As such, I will be suspending the Patreon as well, since it doesn't make sense to collect money for no work. Why is this happening? Well, I got myself a new job and it's in Florida! (Jacksonville, to be exact.)

The future's so bright I have to wear shades.
I'm actually going to start working for them in a few weeks (training there then working remotely from up here) but after Kira is done with the school year, we'll be moving. That means I have a rather intense few months ahead of me (packing, selling the house, finding a new house, moving, etc) so all of my spare time will be taken up, leaving no time for stuff like this. I might pop back in if the muse takes me, but weekly posting will be off the table for the foreseeable future.


  1. Congratulations! Hope everything goes smoothly with the move!

    1. Thanks! The packing has already begun, but there's never enough time for this stuff.

  2. So excited for you!! Congrats!! And this means we’ll be seeing more of each other!!

    1. Yup. And I won't have a basement to lock you in this time. :D

  3. Congrats! Good luck with all the things!

  4. Great -- congratulations! -- Prof Alan
