Thursday, October 12, 2017

Watching Video Games

You know, I just don't understand Twitch. I get watching someone you're next to play a game, since you can make comments of give advice, but just watching a video of someone playing a game isn't all that interesting to me.

The one major exception to that is Talyn Plays. This is a YouTube channel run by Aaron Henley of Tangents Abound. There are a few differences here that make it entertaining.

1. Aaron is a friend of mine. Just like watching that friend on the couch next to you, the fact that I know the guy doing the gaming helps a lot. (It also allows me to give him tips, or make snide comments, after the fact.)

2. It's family friendly. Sometimes I watch alone, sometimes with Michelle, sometimes with Kira, and sometimes with all three of us. The content makes it easy to do that.

3. The commentary. Aaron has a great sense of humor, which aligns pretty closely to my own, so I just love to hear what he has to say as the game is going on is a real treat.

Don't take my word for it, watch his first episode of Star Trek Online and see for yourself.

Full Disclosure: Aaron is a Patreon Supporter, but I wrote this post without his knowledge.

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